Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover or a menace

Television!  Teacher, mother, secret lover.  ~Homer Simpson
It's the menace that everyone loves to hate but can't seem to live without.  ~Paddy Chayevsky
When I read these quotes I strongly agreed with both of them. But we are not going to discuss whether it is boon or a bane since televisions has crossed all those stages. Now you just need one (atleast). So lets tal about the latest technology in television and which is the better one.
I did a little research on Plasma VS LCD television sets. My research comprises of two parts 1.Web Research 2.InStore Research. I thought of doing a user research which I felt this blog (readers) can do, so I preserved it for you. Also I do not want to get too much technical so I leave you the features here.
LCD Television - A senior to plasma television which had some drawbacks and lately getting better and posing stiff competition to its predecessor Plasma televisions. LCD Television or Liquid Crystal Display televisions started with computer screens in the beginning and the technology creeped in televisions. Initial LCD televisions had a problem of blurring effect while there is a fast motion in picture, but later LCD televisions are made to address this issue. If size does matter for you then LCD television would not be a good choice for you since Plasma television is available in larger sizes than LCD. Tip to buyers: There is something called Refresh Rate and it shouldbe lower then the clarity will be better. They are less in weight and this would be significant in these types of television sets since it is hung mostly. Lastly installation is much easier, simpler and not too delicate in LCD's than in Plasma Televisions.
Plasma Television - A little technical information here would help me say how superior is Plasma televisions. All the pixels in plasma television illuminates almost instantaneously this makes the picture appear fast, sharp and there wouldnt be any blurring effect. I read that Plasma is better in contrast because it can actually show black colour better than a LCD television the advantage of this is finer details like shadows does not merge with original image and are better when viewed. They are available in larger sizes than LCD Television sets but anytime LCD's can surpass this.
I would say the advantage in plasma television is very marginal compared with LCD television but there is one important comparison needs to be done that PRICE. May need to wait a couple for days for me to finish my instore price research.

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