Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Challenge is to be addressed and Problem is to be solved.....

In my own experience I have not been able to differentiate between a Challenge and a Problem for a long time. I had been thinking and going back on lot of issues that I solved in the past, in most of the cases I looked at a solution that will get me out of the challenge. What it also did is that it took away the whole opportunity and got me out of it. Most of us tend to view a Challenge in front of us as a Problem. This misunderstanding might lead us to a scenario where we might loose out on an opportunity to bring back things in line on an issue. Challenge's sometimes might look like road block's, it may be true to some extent but on a larger perspective these road blocks are positive things that can help us to get a better/deeper understanding on issues that we are dealing with. Also, there is a very important aspect to be understood when dealing with a challenge and a problem. You may not always resort to desperate measures while solving a challenge but to solve problems you may have to get into desperate measures.

Terrorism is not a challenge but a problem which should be dealt with. You cant sit with terrorists to address it, you have to act and SOLVE. But an economic crisis is not a problem but a challenge which has to be addressed. That is the reason govt's are trying to work with financial institutions, banks and companies to address the situation than letting them get into desperate measures like cutting jobs or filing bankruptcy. Viewing every challenge as a problem and acting accordingly is like, you have gone bankrupt on thoughts in your mind to address it. There are a lot of good things said about Obama his views and thoughts, If you have closely watched his speech he never used a word "economic problem" but he always used "economic challenge" while he spoke about the recent economic CHALLENGE.

Closing Line: I think everyone can become an Obama in their own way if they understand this differentiator.

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