Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sathya Sai Baba - Not a god but not a normal human......

Divinity is not in the way we are born but with the way we live....................I have always been critical about a man/woman being worshipped/portrayed as god. Though, I admire few men like Jaggi Vasudev, Sri Sri Ravishankar and Sathya Sai Baba recently joined the list. My admiration for the first two is for the art they teach and philanthropy of the later. In the recent years, I have been monitoring the activities done by Sathya Sai Baba and his organisation closely. Every project is a milestone and touch lifes of millions not only touches it gives life for millions. I saw an ad which says that Sai hospitals have completed 20000 heart operations. Last year (2007) they have done 720 and some 135 surgeries so far in 2008 and their target is 900 surgeries all this is FREE OF COST. We live in a country where we cannot call it medical service anymore and its become a business. It has improved for sure by all means including the cost of medication so for the poor and needy good medical aid has become almost impossible. But there is this organisation (Sai Hospitals run by Sathya Sai Trust) that gives best medical care absolutely free of cost. Its not only the hospitals and medical care, He has helped in irrigation projects in a country where agriculture is a major profession and water is scarce. All this did not make me think Sathya Sai Baba is GOD and I do not worship him still. I do not think he is born divine but his good deeds turned him divine. I heard some saying doctors are messengers of god coz they save life and a person who has given/saved life of 20000 ailing men/women/children is certainly above a normal human being.

1 comment:

Anand R said...

For me He is truly God