The Democratic Presidential Race results have started emerging and this very moment Hillary has won 9 states while Obama has won 13 states. The delegate votes scenario is - Obama secured a total of 646 delegates votes in which pledged are 540 and superdelegates are 106. Hillary's delegate votes are 531 pledged and 193 superdelegates. While Obama leads in the number of states he has won he trails in the race for delegates with a total of 646 and Hillary leads with a total of 724. Very interesting fact here is the pledged votes secured by both the contenders. Obama leads in that while Hillary trails but Superdelegates she leads. This shows that the "Clinton" brand name has worked for Hillary and even in America an influential person can succeed over people's choice. To explain this, I have to give a little insight about what is pledged and superdelegates.
Pledged: "Voters select delegates in primaries and caucuses throughout the country (States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa and the United States Virgin Islands). Pledged delegates reflect the preferences of the voters, but are not actually legally bound to vote for the candidate they are pledged for."
Superdelegates - "Superdelegates are delegates to a presidential nominating convention in the united states who are not bound by the decisions of party primaries or caucuses. Superdelegates are elected officeholders and party officials. They are sometimes referred to as "unpledged delegates," but some unpledged delegates are not superdelegates."
The notable point here is "Superdelegates were first appointed in the 1970s, after control of the nomination process in the Democratic Party effectively moved out of the hands of party officials into the primary and caucus process. The aim was to grant some say in the process to people who had been playing roles in the party before the election year."
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superdelegate
The bold-couloured words says it all..........the beurocracy in the party has voted for Hillary and it is because of the Clinton tag behind her and it is obtained through influence over a first time senator who is supported by the primaries and caucuses which is the cadre level in the party and has direct contact with people. In way he is liked and majority Democratic workers are behind him and they believe he is the politician they want as their leader but the "Clinton's" politicking prevetns people choice. Lets wait and watch what win's politicking? or politics?
I guess the yankees still have a little bit of KKK mentality in all of them still ,i think so but obama is young may be he migth get lucky the next time around. however i hope let it be obama or hillary just leave the saber rattling on outsourcing as may would suggest it to be saber rattling and dont do any thing stupid on this issue. With the globel war on terror with no end in sight US cannot affort to burden its self with veterans benfits which come from the tax payers money and still want corporate America to pay big salaries by hiring american citizen in the services industries by which the companies have to sell out more on pay and less on taxes.let hope that common sense would prevail in the end.
thanks for your comments Williams......I liked your comment on outsourcing for two reasons am benefitting from it is one and the other is you have well said it.....kepp reading/commenting....thanks again
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