What will happen if a soft and humble man provoked, he will emerge victorious inspite of challenges and lament his opposition like this in parliament..........Dr.Manmohan Singh - you have proved to be courageous and a dedicated leader for nations growth than the self proclaimed saviour/s Advani/BJP.......read the text it will tell you the rest.....
The Leader of Opposition, Shri L.K. Advani has chosen to use all manner of abusive objectives to describe my performance. He has described me as the weakest Prime Minister, a nikamma PM, and of having devalued the office of PM. To fulfill his ambitions, he has made at least three attempts to topple our government. But on each occasion his astrologers have misled him. This pattern, I am sure, will be repeated today. At his ripe old age, I do not expect Shri Advani to change his thinking. But for his sake and India's sake, I urge him at least to change his astrologers so that he gets more accurate predictions of things to come.
As for Shri Advani's various charges, I do not wish to waste the time of the House in rebutting them. All I can say is that before leveling charges of incompetence on others, Shri Advani should do some introspection. Can our nation forgive a Home Minister who slept when the terrorists were knocking at the doors of our Parliament? Can our nation forgive a person who single handedly provided the inspiration for the destruction of the Babri Masjid with all the terrible consequences that followed? To atone for his sins, he suddenly decided to visit Pakistan and there he discovered new virtues in Mr. Jinnah. Alas, his own party and his mentors in the RSS disowned him on this issue. Can our nation approve the conduct of a Home Minister who was sleeping while Gujarat was burning leading to the loss of thousands of innocent lives? Our friends in the Left Front should ponder over the company they are forced to keep because of miscalculations by their General Secretary.
As for my conduct, it is for this august House and the people of India to judge. All I can say is that in all these years that I have been in office, whether as Finance Minister or Prime Minister, I have felt it as a sacred obligation to use the levers of power as a societal trust to be used for transforming our economy and polity, so that we can get rid of poverty, ignorance and disease which still afflict millions of our people. This is a long and arduous journey. But every step taken in this direction can make a difference. And that is what we have sought to do in the last four years. How far we have succeeded is something I leave to the judgement of the people of India.
When I look at the composition of the opportunistic group opposed to us, it is clear to me that the clash today is between two alternative visions of India's future. The one vision represented by the UPA and our allies seeks to project India as a self confident and united nation moving forward to gain its rightful place in the comity of nations, making full use of the opportunities offered by a globalised world, operating on the frontiers of modern science and technology and using modern science and technology as important instruments of national economic and social development. The opposite vision is of a motley crowd opposed to us who have come together to share the spoils of office to promote their sectional, sectarian and parochial interests. Our Left colleagues should tell us whether Shri L.K. Advani is acceptable to them as a Prime Ministerial candidate. Shri L.K. Advani should enlighten us if he will step aside as Prime Ministerial candidate of the opposition in favour of the choice of UNPA. They should take the country into confidence on this important issue.
I have already stated in my opening remarks that the House has been dragged into this debate unnecessarily. I wish our attention had not been diverted from some priority areas of national concern. These priorities are:
(i) Tackling the imported inflation caused by steep increase in oil prices. Our effort is to control inflation without hurting the rate of growth and employment.
(ii) To revitalize agriculture. We have decisively reversed the declining trend of investment and resource flow in agriculture. The Finance Minister has dealt with the measures we have taken in this regard. We have achieved a record foodgrain production of 231 million tones. But we need to redouble our efforts to improve agricultural productivity.
(iii) To improve the effectiveness of our flagship pro poor programmes such as National Rural Employment Programme, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Nation-wide Mid day meal programme, Bharat Nirman to improve the quality of rural infrastructure of roads, electricity, safe drinking water, sanitation, irrigation, National Rural Health Mission and the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission. These programmes are yielding solid results. But a great deal more needs to be done to improve the quality of implementation.
(iv) We have initiated a major thrust in expanding higher education. The objective is to expand the gross enrolment ratio in higher education from 11.6 per cent to 15 per cent by the end of the 11th Plan and to 21% by the end of 12th Plan. To meet these goals, we have an ambitious programme which seeks to create 30 new universities, of which 14 will be world class, 8 new IITs, 7 new IIMs, 20 new IIITs, 5 new IISERs, 2 Schools of planning and Architecture, 10 NITs, 373 new degree colleges and 1000 new polytechnics. And these are not just plans. Three new IISERs are already operational and the remaining two will become operational from the 2008-09 academic session. Two SPAs will be starting this year. Six of the new IITs start their classes this year. The establishment of the new universities is at an advanced stage of planning.
(v) A nation wide Skill Development Programme and the enactment of the Right to Education Act,
(vi) Approval by Parliament of the new Rehabilitation and Resettlement policy and enactment of legislation to provide social security benefits to workers in the unorganized sector.
(vii) The new 15 Point Programme for Minorities, the effective implementation of empowerment programmes for the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, paying particular emphasis on implementation of Land Rights for the tribals.
(viii) Equally important is the effective implementation of the Right to Information Act to impart utmost transparency to processes of governance. The Administrative Reforms Commission has made valuable suggestions to streamline the functioning of our public administration.
(ix) To deal firmly with terrorist elements, left wing extremism and communal elements that are attempting to undermine the security and stability of the country. We have been and will continue to vigorously pursue investigations in the major terrorist incidents that have taken place. Charge-sheets have been filed in almost all the cases. Our intelligence agencies and security forces are doing an excellent job in very difficult circumstances. They need our full support. We will take all possible steps to streamline their functioning and strengthen their effectiveness.
Considerable work has been done in all these areas but debates like the one we are having detract our attention from attending to these essential programmes and remaining items on our agenda. All the same, we will redouble our efforts to attend to these areas of priority concerns.
I say in all sincerity that this session and debate was unnecessary because I have said on several occasions that our nuclear agreement after being endorsed by the IAEA and the Nuclear Suppliers Group would be submitted to this august House for expressing its view. All I had asked our Left colleagues was : please allow us to go through the negotiating process and I will come to Parliament before operationalising the nuclear agreement. This simple courtesy which is essential for orderly functioning of any Government worth the name, particularly with regard to the conduct of foreign policy, they were not willing to grant me. They wanted a veto over every single step of negotiations which is not acceptable. They wanted me to behave as their bonded slave. The nuclear agreement may not have been mentioned in the Common Minimum Programme. However, there was an explicit mention of the need to develop closer relations with the USA but without sacrificing our independent foreign policy. The Congress Election Manifesto had explicitly referred to the need for strategic engagement with the USA and other great powers such as Russia.
In 1991, while presenting the Budget for 1991-92, as Finance Minister, I had stated : No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come. I had then suggested to this august House that the emergence of India as a major global power was an idea whose time had come.
Carrying forward the process started by Shri Rajiv Gandhi of preparing India for the 21st century, I outlined a far reaching programme of economic reform whose fruits are now visible to every objective person. Both the Left and the BJP had then opposed the reform. Both had said we had mortgaged the economy to America and that we would bring back the East India Company. Subsequently both these parties have had a hand at running the Government. None of these parties have reversed the direction of economic policy laid down by the Congress Party in 1991. The moral of the story is that political parties should be judged not by what they say while in opposition but by what they do when entrusted with the responsibilities of power.
I am convinced that despite their opportunistic opposition to the nuclear agreement, history will compliment the UPA Government for having taken another giant step forward to lead India to become a major power centre of the evolving global economy. Jawaharlal Nehru's vision of using atomic energy as a major instrument of development will become a living reality.
What is the nuclear agreement about? It is all about widening our development options, promoting energy security in a manner which will not hurt our precious environment and which will not contribute to pollution and global warming.
India needs to grow at the rate of at least ten per cent per annum to get rid of chronic poverty, ignorance and disease which still afflict millions of our people. A basic requirement for achieving this order of growth is the availability of energy, particularly electricity. We need increasing quantities of electricity to support our agriculture, industry and to give comfort to our householders. The generation of electricity has to grow at an annual rate of 8 to 10 per cent.
Now, hydro-carbons are one source of generating power and for meeting our energy requirements. But our production of hydro-carbons both of oil and gas is far short of our growing requirements. We are heavily dependent on imports. We all know the uncertainty of supplies and of prices of imported hydro-carbons.
We have to diversify our sources of energy supply.
We have large reserves of coal but even these are inadequate to meet all our needs by 2050. But more use of coal will have an adverse impact on pollution and climate. We can develop hydro-power and we must. But many of these projects hurt the environment and displace large number of people. We must develop renewable sources of energy particularly solar energy. But we must also make full use of atomic energy which is a clean environment friendly source of energy. All over the world, there is growing realization of the importance of atomic energy to meet the challenge of energy security and climate change.
India's atomic scientists and technologists are world class. They have developed nuclear energy capacities despite heavy odds. But there are handicaps which have adversely affected our atomic energy programme. First of all, we have inadequate production of uranium. Second, the quality of our uranium resources is not comparable to those of other producers.Third, after the Pokharan nuclear test of 1974 and 1998 the outside world has imposed embargo on trade with India in nuclear materials, nuclear equipment and nuclear technology. As a result, our nuclear energy programme has suffered. Some twenty years ago, the Atomic Energy Commission had laid down a target of 10000 MW of electricity generation by the end of the twentieth century. Today, in 2008 our capacity is about 4000 MW and due to shortage of uranium many of these plants are operating at much below their capacity.
The nuclear agreement that we wish to negotiate will end India's nuclear isolation, nuclear apartheid and enable us to take advantage of international trade in nuclear materials, technologies and equipment. It will open up new opportunities for trade in dual use high technologies opening up new pathways to accelerate industrialization of our country. Given the excellent quality of our nuclear scientists and technologists, I have reasons to believe that in a reasonably short period of time, India would emerge as an important exporter of nuclear technologies, and equipment for civilian purposes.
When I say this I am reminded of the visionary leadership of Shri Rajiv Gandhi who was a strong champion of computerization and use of information technologies for nation building. At that time, many people laughed at this idea. Today, information technology and software is a sun-rise industry with an annual turnover soon approaching 50 billion US dollars. I venture to think that our atomic energy industry will play a similar role in the transformation of India's economy.
The essence of the matter is that the agreements that we negotiate with USA, Russia, France and other nuclear countries will enable us to enter into international trade for civilian use without any interference with our strategic nuclear programme. The strategic programme will continue to be developed at an autonomous pace determined solely by our own security perceptions. We have not and we will not accept any outside interference or monitoring or supervision of our strategic programme. Our strategic autonomy will never be compromised. We are willing to look at possible amendments to our Atomic Energy Act to reinforce our solemn commitment that our strategic autonomy will never be compromised.
I confirm that there is nothing in these agreements which prevents us from further nuclear tests if warranted by our national security concerns. All that we are committed to is a voluntary moratorium on further testing. Thus the nuclear agreements will not in any way affect our strategic autonomy. The cooperation that the international community is now willing to extend to us for trade in nuclear materials, technologies and equipment for civilian use will be available to us without signing the NPT or the CTBT.
This I believe is a measure of the respect that the world at large has for India, its people and their capabilities and our prospects to emerge as a major engine of growth for the world economy. I have often said that today there are no international constraints on India's development. The world marvels at our ability to seek our social and economic salvation in the framework of a functioning democracy committed to the rule of law and respect for fundamental human freedoms. The world wants India to succeed. The obstacles we face are at home, particularly in our processes of domestic governance.
I wish to remind the House that in 1998 when the Pokharan II tests were undertaken, the Group of Eight leading developed countries had passed a harsh resolution condemning India and called upon India to sign the NPT and CTBT. Today, at the Hokkaido meeting of the G-8 held recently in Japan, the Chairman's summary has welcomed cooperation in civilian nuclear energy between India and the international community. This is a measure of the sea change in the perceptions of the international community our trading with India for civilian nuclear energy purposes that has come about in less than ten years.
Our critics falsely accuse us, that in signing these agreements, we have surrendered the independence of foreign policy and made it subservient to US interests. In this context, I wish to point out that the cooperation in civil nuclear matters that we seek is not confined to the USA. Change in the NSG guidelines would be a passport to trade with 45 members of the Nuclear Supplier Group which includes Russia, France, and many other countries.
We appreciate the fact that the US has taken the lead in promoting cooperation with India for nuclear energy for civilian use. Without US initiative, India's case for approval by the IAEA or the Nuclear Suppliers Group would not have moved forward.
But this does not mean that there is any explicit or implicit constraint on India to pursue an independent foreign policy determined by our own perceptions of our enlightened national interest. Some people are spreading the rumours that there are some secret or hidden agreements over and above the documents made public. I wish to state categorically that there are no secret or hidden documents other than the 123 agreement, the Separation Plan and the draft of the safeguard agreement with the IAEA. It has also been alleged that the Hyde Act will affect India's ability to pursue an independent foreign policy. The Hyde Act does exist and it provides the US administration the authorization to enter into civil nuclear cooperation with India without insistence on full scope safeguards and without signing of the NPT. There are some prescriptive clauses but they cannot and they will not be allowed to affect in any way the conduct of our foreign policy. Our commitment is to what has been agreed in the 123 Agreement. There is nothing in this Agreement which will affect our strategic autonomy or our ability to pursue an independent foreign policy. I state categorically that our foreign policy, will at all times be determined by our own assessment of our national interest. This has been true in the past and will be true in future regarding our relations with big powers as well as with our neighbours in West Asia, notably Iran, Iraq, Palestine and the Gulf countries.
We have differed with the USA on their intervention in Iraq. I had explicitly stated at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC in July 2005 that intervention in Iraq was a big mistake. With regard to Iran, our advice has been in favour of moderation and we would like that the issues relating to Iran's nuclear programme which have emerged should be resolved through dialogue and discussions in the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
I should also inform the House that our relations with the Arab world are very good. Two years ago, His Majesty, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was the Chief Guest at our Republic Day. More recently, we have played host to the President of Iran, President of Syria, the King of Jordan, the Emir of Qatar and the Emir of Kuwait. With all these countries we have historic civilisational and cultural links which we are keen to further develop to our mutual benefit. Today, we have strategic relationship with all major powers including USA, Russia, France, UK, Germany, Japan, China, Brazil, Nigeria and South Africa. We are Forging new partnerships with countries of East Asia, South East Asia and Africa.
The Management and governance of the world's largest, most diverse and most vibrant democracy is the greatest challenge any person can be entrusted with, in this world. It has been my good fortune that I was entrusted with this challenge over four years ago. I thank with all sincerity the Chairperson of the UPA, the leaders of the Constituent Parties of the UPA and every member of my Party for the faith and trust they reposed in me. I once again recall with gratitude the guidance and support I have received from Shri Jyoti Basu and Sardar Harkishen Singh Surjeet.
I have often said that I am a politician by accident. I have held many diverse responsibilities. I have been a teacher, I have been an official of the Government of India, I have been a member of this greatest of Parliaments, but I have never forgotten my life as a young boy in a distant village.
Every day that I have been Prime Minister of India I have tried to remember that the first ten years of my life were spent in a village with no drinking water supply, no electricity, no hospital, no roads and nothing that we today associate with modern living. I had to walk miles to school, I had to study in the dim light of a kerosene oil lamp. This nation gave me the opportunity to ensure that such would not be the life of our children in the foreseeable future.
Sir, my conscience is clear that on every day that I have occupied this high office, I have tried to fulfill the dream of that young boy from that distant village.
The greatness of democracy is that we are all birds of passage! We are here today, gone tomorrow! But in the brief time that the people of India entrust us with this responsibility, it is our duty to be honest and sincere in the discharge of these responsibilities. As it is said in our sacred texts, we are responsible for our actions and we must act without coveting the rewards of such action. Whatever I have done in this high office I have done so with a clear conscience and the best interests of my country and our people at heart. I have no other claims to make.
(Courtesy: www.pmindia.nic.in)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
what Fidel did, that Saddam and Musharraf failed to do?
Saddam a leader captured power in Iraq couple of decades ago had much better resources than Fidel's Cuba or Pakistan's Musharraf had extreme control over the administration but miserably failed to deliver. Though he had liquid gold every inch underneath Iraq, he failed to use any of those resources for nation building. He acted like a true dictator as others did but he had enormous opportunities and wealth than his counterparts during his days. Fidel Castro for example had "sugarcane", a little powerful resource and little Oil with him but he did a lot of good both to improve the life's of Cuban's and his fight against America. Maybe had he not pursued his American opposition so vigourously he would have grown a lot but ultimately he would have been an "American Puppet". All Saddam could do is ruin his country for his unrealistic wishes like conquering Iran and Kuwait. He had been a true military dictator with little less thought about the welfare of country which can be achieved only by uplifting life of his people. He had a team that was much cruel and cunning with no vision and unfortunately his son's were also more like their father and uncle's. This is because they were born and brought as a dictator's son's and had enormous personal wealth and power and very poor education. They all joined hands and worked hard to poison, ruin and bring down their country to nothing less than a heap of garbage. Later America carried over the legacy of Saddam though in a different way and in the name of bringing peace to that nation. Though people of Iraq were facing famine and poor living condition under Saddam they were atleast not bombed and killed everyday.
Next comes our favo Musharraf, a military dictator again who does everything from batting with cricketer's, cinematic stunts with Bollywood stars and his infamous handshakes with Indian leaders to show himself as a peace loving dictator. But what is happening in Pakistan is different, am not talking about their Indian rivalry coz neither Musharraf nor any Pakistani leader can leave that aside and be a leader in Pakistan. I am talking about the weakened and weakaning Pakistani economy, living conditions and growing terrosrist activities within Pakistan. Musharaf today has proved that he is a flop show in everything right from improving economy to his political, judicial, religious power. one can easily understand Musharraf is clinging to his seat just because there is a group of military/isi mafia's that want him to be in power. He would have the least importance not only in the history of Pakistan but also as a dictator coz others stood out atleast in their cruelty and bad deeds.
My next person is not a dictator but a democratic leader, I am not trying to compare the dictator's with a democratically elected leader. I am talking about Mahathir who was liked and worshipped by millions. But I am trying to put forward what they had as an opportunity in front of them to change the lives of millions and how they used it. I have always been thinking of starting and running an organisation not only to improve my life and finances but to change life's of atleast few families through whatever I am doing. Mahathir did the same when he was elected Prime Minister of Malaysia in 1981. He revolutionized Malaysia during his administartion between 1981 to 2003. Today not only he is regarded as one of the most influential leaders of Asia but Malaysia is considered to be one of the very important and influential states in the Asian sub continent where giants like India and China compete. He ulifted his countries economy, education, science, technology and almost every field and touched life's of every Malaysian and brought a positive change in them. A leader who is regarded as a father of their nation and enjoys living in the hearts of millions in his country and his admirers like me post his premiership.
It makes be believe that dictatorship can never succeed and it should be uprooted but not in the American/Bush way.
Next comes our favo Musharraf, a military dictator again who does everything from batting with cricketer's, cinematic stunts with Bollywood stars and his infamous handshakes with Indian leaders to show himself as a peace loving dictator. But what is happening in Pakistan is different, am not talking about their Indian rivalry coz neither Musharraf nor any Pakistani leader can leave that aside and be a leader in Pakistan. I am talking about the weakened and weakaning Pakistani economy, living conditions and growing terrosrist activities within Pakistan. Musharaf today has proved that he is a flop show in everything right from improving economy to his political, judicial, religious power. one can easily understand Musharraf is clinging to his seat just because there is a group of military/isi mafia's that want him to be in power. He would have the least importance not only in the history of Pakistan but also as a dictator coz others stood out atleast in their cruelty and bad deeds.
My next person is not a dictator but a democratic leader, I am not trying to compare the dictator's with a democratically elected leader. I am talking about Mahathir who was liked and worshipped by millions. But I am trying to put forward what they had as an opportunity in front of them to change the lives of millions and how they used it. I have always been thinking of starting and running an organisation not only to improve my life and finances but to change life's of atleast few families through whatever I am doing. Mahathir did the same when he was elected Prime Minister of Malaysia in 1981. He revolutionized Malaysia during his administartion between 1981 to 2003. Today not only he is regarded as one of the most influential leaders of Asia but Malaysia is considered to be one of the very important and influential states in the Asian sub continent where giants like India and China compete. He ulifted his countries economy, education, science, technology and almost every field and touched life's of every Malaysian and brought a positive change in them. A leader who is regarded as a father of their nation and enjoys living in the hearts of millions in his country and his admirers like me post his premiership.
It makes be believe that dictatorship can never succeed and it should be uprooted but not in the American/Bush way.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Dirtiest - Indian - Billionaires
Forbes list of has four Indians in the top ten spot !!!!!wow!!!!! what an achievement? Now stop feeling proud and listen.............. Forbes lists the financial capital (Mumbai) of the country where these Billionaires trade as the top dirtiest city in the world.........what a shame? So have have bred dirty billionaires????
I am not gonna write lengthy this time coz the news says it ALL..........
I am not gonna write lengthy this time coz the news says it ALL..........
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Sathya Sai Baba - Not a god but not a normal human......
Divinity is not in the way we are born but with the way we live....................I have always been critical about a man/woman being worshipped/portrayed as god. Though, I admire few men like Jaggi Vasudev, Sri Sri Ravishankar and Sathya Sai Baba recently joined the list. My admiration for the first two is for the art they teach and philanthropy of the later. In the recent years, I have been monitoring the activities done by Sathya Sai Baba and his organisation closely. Every project is a milestone and touch lifes of millions not only touches it gives life for millions. I saw an ad which says that Sai hospitals have completed 20000 heart operations. Last year (2007) they have done 720 and some 135 surgeries so far in 2008 and their target is 900 surgeries all this is FREE OF COST. We live in a country where we cannot call it medical service anymore and its become a business. It has improved for sure by all means including the cost of medication so for the poor and needy good medical aid has become almost impossible. But there is this organisation (Sai Hospitals run by Sathya Sai Trust) that gives best medical care absolutely free of cost. Its not only the hospitals and medical care, He has helped in irrigation projects in a country where agriculture is a major profession and water is scarce. All this did not make me think Sathya Sai Baba is GOD and I do not worship him still. I do not think he is born divine but his good deeds turned him divine. I heard some saying doctors are messengers of god coz they save life and a person who has given/saved life of 20000 ailing men/women/children is certainly above a normal human being.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A True Comandante en Jefe - Fidel
Yes, He was a true Commander in Chief of a national army and ruled his people for nearly 50 years. He overthrew Batisa and there after fought 9 US Presidents and 638 CIA attempts to kill him. Fidel Castro is a name that will live in history for many reasons notably for his Anti American activities. His life so far is a long war and he was a true warrior in every sense of it. I love him for his courage and his conviction. He was a dictator of a different kind though he lived in Idi Amin, Hitler, Polpot, Saddam era. Though he was not as gruesome as his counterparts are but he had been critical to some extent to his opponents well how can a dictator sustain if he is so democratic. I do not subscribe to the idea of dictatorship and I strongly believe that democracy is the only system that is human friendly. I liked Fidel's quality of celebrating his co-warrior and he did not down play his friend Che Guevera's contribution like most others do but it is really worrying that he has passed his mantle (Cuba) to his brother Raul Castro which sounds dynastic though Raul has fought for Cuban freedom/development hand in hand with Fidel.
Though Fidel is out of power in Cuba, he would continue to influence his country towards development and against America until and after his life on earth. He will be looked as a Comandante en Jefe/a warrior/saviour of Cuba forever in history. Good Luck on your retirement Fidel. Good Luck Cuba with your new leader.
Though Fidel is out of power in Cuba, he would continue to influence his country towards development and against America until and after his life on earth. He will be looked as a Comandante en Jefe/a warrior/saviour of Cuba forever in history. Good Luck on your retirement Fidel. Good Luck Cuba with your new leader.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
T"(W)hack"rey's in the Rat Race........
Can politics go any nastier than this? I am sure it will if we keep tolerating to the whacky comments made by these Whackrey's from Mumbai which is dangerous to our national integrity. They play this divisive politics to gain political mileage, this is another way of terrorism thats breeding in this country. But the Junior's new MM slogan is a failed formula tried and tested by his the senior uncle as early as 70's, senior eventually moved to religious politics coz he did not gain enough mileage with the that slogan. Is Marati's all that bad? Does these guys represent them or reflect them? No they do not. A true Marati will not encourage or subscribe to this kinda division atleast the one's who came and believe to be Shivaji's decents. I say this coz Shivaji united the struggle against the Mughal's and brought hope in a lot of people and he was a force that made heads turn to him from all over the world. These so called Shivaji Sainik's are just people looking to fool people and rob this country of its pride and integrity. If this cleansing politics has not worked in the 70's, I dont know what makes these polikillers think it will work in a fast paced and changing culture/environment. This junior who uses BMW's and Mercedes fails to understand that the world is changing/changed a lot. If a person can go to USA get work and a citizenship and vote for a leader there, why not a person go and work in a different place in his country. I dont know how far this is going to help the new comer in establishing himself into politics but am for sure he is going to fade away sooner than expected. Afterall, his political birthplace and its leader who was worshipped few years ago is struggling hard to show them/himself as a force in state politics. I think we should have them read Tamil Nadu's political history where we made CM's who belonged or born in our neighbouring states and one of our greatest star is a Marata by birth and we always have felt proud and celebrated him and did not debate what he did to Bangalore or Maharashtra than TamilNadu. This is like asking a kid are you father's kid or mother's? if you ask this in a literal sense it is nonsense. It is our mother India and this is a family where Marata's, Tamil's, Keralite's are our brothers and sisters. "Get matured kid" probably you have to give away your rich GOGGLE's for better vision.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Race between Politicking and Politics!!!

The Democratic Presidential Race results have started emerging and this very moment Hillary has won 9 states while Obama has won 13 states. The delegate votes scenario is - Obama secured a total of 646 delegates votes in which pledged are 540 and superdelegates are 106. Hillary's delegate votes are 531 pledged and 193 superdelegates. While Obama leads in the number of states he has won he trails in the race for delegates with a total of 646 and Hillary leads with a total of 724. Very interesting fact here is the pledged votes secured by both the contenders. Obama leads in that while Hillary trails but Superdelegates she leads. This shows that the "Clinton" brand name has worked for Hillary and even in America an influential person can succeed over people's choice. To explain this, I have to give a little insight about what is pledged and superdelegates.
Pledged: "Voters select delegates in primaries and caucuses throughout the country (States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa and the United States Virgin Islands). Pledged delegates reflect the preferences of the voters, but are not actually legally bound to vote for the candidate they are pledged for."
Superdelegates - "Superdelegates are delegates to a presidential nominating convention in the united states who are not bound by the decisions of party primaries or caucuses. Superdelegates are elected officeholders and party officials. They are sometimes referred to as "unpledged delegates," but some unpledged delegates are not superdelegates."
The notable point here is "Superdelegates were first appointed in the 1970s, after control of the nomination process in the Democratic Party effectively moved out of the hands of party officials into the primary and caucus process. The aim was to grant some say in the process to people who had been playing roles in the party before the election year."
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superdelegate
The bold-couloured words says it all..........the beurocracy in the party has voted for Hillary and it is because of the Clinton tag behind her and it is obtained through influence over a first time senator who is supported by the primaries and caucuses which is the cadre level in the party and has direct contact with people. In way he is liked and majority Democratic workers are behind him and they believe he is the politician they want as their leader but the "Clinton's" politicking prevetns people choice. Lets wait and watch what win's politicking? or politics?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Cooking & Business Management

I started cooking lunch every day for the past one week. It is not only that I wanted to learn cooking but also I wanted to know what it is like being in kitchen. I have picked up in a very short time. I saw an amazing connection between cooking and management principles like time management, material management, presentation and marketing. Here they are in detail.
Time Management:
Success in cooking is not only the taste but the time that you finish cooking. It makes no sense to have food missing the right time to have it. In business quality matters a lot but timely delivery is the most critical matter. Afterall it makes no sense to submit a quality RFP after the submission deadline. The other day I was making some dal gravy, beet poriyal and rasam. I know dal has to be cooked well before it is fried so I steamed in the cooker for almost ten minutes and then I kept rice for cooking. In the meanwhile I started making other stuffs. After a while I remember my mother use to keep rice & dal at the same time and cook. A simple time management technique. Aint it?
Material Management:
There is never a perfect kitchen which has all the materials and so is a business that has all the resources in hand before starting any activity. It starts with assessment of the materials including resources required for the task to be completed in both kitchen and business. A good assessment and getting prepared with the materials/resources well in advance will not only help to carry on the task seemlessly it will also compliment your time management efforts. For Ex: Get ready with the onions and all the other stuff and keep it lined up while the dal is getting cooked. I think you would have alredy related this in business terms.
Presentation and Marketing:
In the initial days I banked a lot on my presentation and marketing skills to make my pathetic dishes look/sound like they are delicious, to my wife. Sometimes it worked when I garnished simple boiled egg which is cut and spread neatly. I remember my mother rolling the chappathi with the masala inside than having them seperate and presented it in my lunch box in such a way that I would eat everything without missing one.
I believe a good cook should have better management skills and Vice Versa. After this experience I changed my thought on home makers whom I believed knew nothing about management and understood the way they manage the whole house multi tasking between various activities.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Is it a plotted plunge?
In continuation to my previous post about share market mayhem, It makes me think if this is some kind of a ploy by USA to pressurize Oil producing countries to reduce the price. In the past US has done a lot to pressurize the Oil Countries but they yielded very poor response. If the markets arent doing good the demands will reduce and the reduction Oil demand means a great loss to money craving oil countries. You may ask if this kind of a drastic step is required to bring down the price? I would say YES coz one of the major reasons for the recession in US itself is growing oil price and consumer worry led to weakened spending.
I got this doubt after reading these articles...... "The price of oil, meanwhile, fell amid expectations that a downturn would depress demand for energy" - CNN-IBN, "I think the oil market is now attached to the hip of the equity markets" - Jim Ritterbusch, president of Ritterbusch and Associates as quoted in AP. "Oil prices fell to a six-week low Tuesday on expectations that slower economic growth in the United States will cut demand for energy" - Voice Of America
I got this doubt after reading these articles...... "The price of oil, meanwhile, fell amid expectations that a downturn would depress demand for energy" - CNN-IBN, "I think the oil market is now attached to the hip of the equity markets" - Jim Ritterbusch, president of Ritterbusch and Associates as quoted in AP. "Oil prices fell to a six-week low Tuesday on expectations that slower economic growth in the United States will cut demand for energy" - Voice Of America
Global Trend - Indian Fears!!!
"China is down four per cent, Japan is down 4.5 per cent, Singapore is down four per cent, Hong Kong is down 6.5 per cent and Korea is down four per cent." This is how the world stock market is yesterday and today. Our Indian Stock Market also bore the brunt of this worldwide mayhem. Though this is a worldwide trend especially in developing countries, we are much worried than the others and there are several reasons to this. One very important reason for our fear is we do not have clear policies that can control any kind of chaotic situation this is because of our political system. We do not have a government with independence to decide on some key policies that will save us from economical disasters. The reason for this, our political parties are not bothered about our long term goals and the need for policies with a future vision. Afterall we have Commy puppets who act on the orders of the Great Wall country and they are current govts major ally. The other reason I would say is we are relatively new to this kind of a Global Economy. When India really started going global we were hit by the 9/11 and post 9/11 economic disaster because our globalisation just started then and it got initiated with USA. We have come across a long way and now we have broader economic ties beyond USA. Many talk and feel proud about the growth that we have attained but we fail to introspect what we have not done to sustain this growth.
I am sure our markets will come out of this situation as this is not something local and when others recover we also will. But we should think about being a global economy with stronger internal/international policies and we should capitalize the growth properly and utilize this growth in building a strong nation. Unless we do that, not only foreign investors we ourselfs will not have confidence in our market/growth. If any one has any questions about our resources to build such policies/nation, I can just give you two names as examples for our rich resources Dr.Manmohan Singh and P.Chidambaram isnt this enough?
I am sure our markets will come out of this situation as this is not something local and when others recover we also will. But we should think about being a global economy with stronger internal/international policies and we should capitalize the growth properly and utilize this growth in building a strong nation. Unless we do that, not only foreign investors we ourselfs will not have confidence in our market/growth. If any one has any questions about our resources to build such policies/nation, I can just give you two names as examples for our rich resources Dr.Manmohan Singh and P.Chidambaram isnt this enough?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
To my critics.
Though I have a handful of people reading my blogs, most of them criticized that there is some kinda sequence that is missing in my writings. I accept this comment and I have felt this many a times. I am trying to rectify this afterall am just an amateur blogger. Thanks for your support and keep reading/criticizing.
Dry Chappathi!!!
I woke up to an uneasy calm, a dry morning and noticed suddenly everything around me had disappeared. What a bad start? I slowly got out of the bed and walked across the room straight to the bath room. While I walked out I noticed the newspaper still on the tea table. What today I didn't take newspaper to the bathroom? This is something thats rarest of the rare. I cant "S" with out reading something its so bad a habit that I read toothpaste and shampoo covers now am aware of all the major brands ingredients, corporate office and trademark disclaimer. What happened to me? I sat on the bean bag and after a few minutes I realised that I have still not switched on the TV. Whether or not I watch it I switch it on once I sit on my bean bag. Something is terribly wrong. Now I switched on the TV and left to kitchen coz I was so damn hungry after a long undisturbed "void" sleep. I saw what there to eat and I realised there is already some Chappathi Dough prepared and underneath the same box there were some subji with onions. Took out the box and started rolling the dough. The TV noise was irritating me and I switched it off. I didnt know what oil to use so made some dry chappathi's coz i didnt want to take any chance. I came to the dining table and realised the Chappathi was so dry and I am not able to swallow it. I was munching it hard and now started shouting at her. "Hey, where the hell are you?" no response "Oh my god she left to her native for couple of days." Now I realised how important it is to her to stand near her in the Kitchen while she is cooking and on top of that how irritating it is to watch TV when someone is boiling in Kitchen and beyond all this accept my criticism about the dish she cooked. This emptiness continued until I left home in the form of taking bath without towel and none to yell for a towel and calling her from garage to bring my goggle.
Oh my dear life is pathetically DRY (Chappathi) when you are not around!!!
I have stored some Chappathi in the refrigerator for you to know how pathetic it is for me to live without you for even couple of days.
Monday, January 14, 2008
We are getting Americanised in everything that we do right from Nuclear deals to school shootings thats happening. Have you seen an american who lives abroad getting or trying to imitate the regional accent of the place that he lives in. But people who go to America first try to imitate their language. Leave the guys who go there, people working in call centers that handles American projects try to imitate their accent while most of the call centers insist on neutral accent. I have seen in many news channels particularly when there is a news from Banglaore and Noida people talk American english. I am not trying to say American english is bad but imitating it is bad so Americans reading this do not mistake me. Anything should come to us naturally, a cultural change, a political change, a scientific change if we try to force change in any system of ours which will have adverse outcome. I am not agaisnt change I am against change that comes out of misconception and without clear understanding. It is a general belief that in America men and women get married and get divorced easily and they do it like changing their hair color. This perception is wrong, I have worked with and have been following American people and culture in the past five years. May be the ratio is high comparatively. This is one of our biggest problems we do not look at right things in a right way and try doing it. They give a lot of respect to human values and privacy. Do we do that? As far as I know Americans talk their mind and they do not lie (except for Bush who lied on bio weapons in Iraq). Have we learnt that from them? Lets take a simple example in the manners they have.......if an American happens to sneeze in public he will say sorry to people around him. Hw many of us do this? They do not talk loud on cellphone while in a public place. In India its a fashion to that.
What I mean to say here is when there is a cultural, scientific, political exchange lets us take the right things that will sit our country and culture and leave alone the ones that doesnt suit us. Be it Nuclear Technology, lets get their ideas on that and implement it here for good without compromising our independence and internal security concerns. Let us export and import good culture not copy their gun culture and shoot kids in school. Lets try to bring the democracy thats truely by, for and of he people as in America without giving away our values.
What I mean to say here is when there is a cultural, scientific, political exchange lets us take the right things that will sit our country and culture and leave alone the ones that doesnt suit us. Be it Nuclear Technology, lets get their ideas on that and implement it here for good without compromising our independence and internal security concerns. Let us export and import good culture not copy their gun culture and shoot kids in school. Lets try to bring the democracy thats truely by, for and of he people as in America without giving away our values.
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